CPOC produces guidance as an aid to support health care professionals in perioperative care. They use robust processes to develop our guidance taking into consideration expert opinion and the latest research.
CPOC develops its own guidance under the six strategic themes laid out in the CPOC Strategy 2020-2023.
Guidance on 'Preoperative Assessment and Optimisation for Adult Surgery including consideration of COVID-19 and its implications' has been published.
Find out why and how day surgery is the answer to the ever increasing number of patients on waiting lists due to the freeze of surgical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Enhanced Perioperative Care (EPC) is a model of care for surgical patients who cannot be optimally cared for in a general ward environment. This guidance is a joint publication with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
The Centre for Perioperative Care, working in partnership with Diabetes UK, has now published guidance for the care of people with diabetes undergoing elective and emergency surgery that encompasses the whole perioperative pathway
The scope of this guideline covers all aspects of perioperative care relevant to adults living with frailty undergoing elective and emergency surgery. It is written for healthcare professionals involved in delivering care throughout the pathway, as well as for patients and their carers, managers and commissioners.
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The Preoperative Association
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